Diamonds are forever, they say. Pretty sure, this is neither a new cliche to you. It just brought me to writing because one afternoon i received an SMS from a colleague. We were actually in the meeting room when she sent out the message only i read it after the meeting. I took hold of my mobile phone when i got back to my desk.
colleague: (in the text said) look at
Betty's (alias) hand.
me: (texted back) why?
colleague: it has a ring! (we were texting even if we were in the same area haha)
me: really??? (i knew she meant an engagement ring then)
The colleague and I were actually happy because the person we were talking about is a common friend. Her real name? That i cannot disclose yet! She haven't told us the story about the ring anyway. And who knows, it might not be the kind of ring we were thinking of. :D
On to these ring stories. Another friend once mentioned that before a woman get engaged or get married, she should buy for herself that one ring she likes ardently. And seriously, i'm on search for that ring! LOL! What do you have in mind? Perhaps
diamond rings right? Maybe but i want a pink one! Heheh!