Friday, July 11, 2008

an article for me? :P

Got this from a forwarded email, thought i'd like to share this to everyone. :)

Married by 30...or Bust!

A love-life timeline is haunting many young women. Go easy on yourself, girl! Take this advice.
By Victoria Lucia

Something happens to a lot of women when they hit their mid-20s: Panic sets in. It feels a bit like you’ve climbed aboard a runaway train and it’s barreling right through your life. Suddenly, there’s an urgent need for things to fall into place — career, home, and of course, love. And then when your buds start to find that special guy but he’s taking his sweet-ass time showing up in your world, that panic takes an even stronger hold. Your married-by-30, kids-soon-after plan isn’t working out.

Wow. Breathe. Okay, yes, it’s completely natural to want to be with a great man, but hyperventilating over why he’s MIA isn’t going to drop him at your doorstep, like, tomorrow. “You can’t enjoy life’s pleasures when you put so much pressure on finding The One, because you’ll become completely consumed by it,” says Doree Lewak, author of book The Panic Years. “Then later, you’ll look back and realize that you missed out on relishing some great years.” Avoid that fate. We have three steps that’ll help you chill out about finding Mr. Future Father of My Children...and putting your love life on a schedule.

Just Trust That You Will Meet Someone
Perhaps you’re already feeling miserable because there’s no potential partner in the picture and you’ve brainwashed yourself into thinking that you’ll wind up solo at dinner parties. Well, Little Miss Sunshine, here’s a reality check: “According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 90 percent of Americans will marry,” says Jean Elson, PhD, a sociologist at the University of New Hampshire. So break out the bubbly, because, statistically, you’re bound to get hitched if that’s what you want. Another reason your odds look good: You’re a pretty cool woman. “If you have friends, take it to mean you’re a likable, social person,” says Terri Orbuch, PhD, director of the University of Michigan’s Early Years of Marriage Project. Consider it double insurance that love and marriage are in your future. “Once you can have faith in the fact that you’ll eventually meet someone — today, tomorrow, next month, whenever — you’ll naturally loosen up,” says Orbuch. “And guess what? That relaxed attitude is precisely what attracts guys.” Dudes don’t really dig the desperate thing, but they love a girl who’s comfy with herself.

But You Still Need to Get Out There
Now that some of the weight has been lifted, be active in your quest to meet someone with whom you’ll really be happy. To be clear, active means going out a lot, saying yes to invites, and actually having fun doing all kinds of stuff. It doesn’t mean putting on blinders and zeroing in only on potential mates. The point is that you’re taking control, which always feels good, and putting yourself in the path of possibility. The point is also that you eke out the most enjoyment from your situation right now. Think: I’ll go to that networking event because it’ll be interesting, I’ll learn something, I’m single, and I have a free Thursday night to do it. And, hey, if I hit it off with someone, great; if not, I’ve gotten a nice evening out of it.

And when you do meet a guy, ditch the “Is he The One?” mind-set. “When you put so much stress on whether or not he’s the right man or if you have a future together, you end up sucking the fun out of the moment,” says Orbuch. It may seem too Shirley Temple, but ideally, you should try to have a good time with every new dude. So what if he’s not your soul mate? You’ll figure that out, but along the way, why not appreciate his quirky sense of humor or the new foods he’s introduced you to? Hell, you can always feign interest in his jibber jabber and check out the hottie at the next table.

Fight Off Those Panic Relapses
Even with your newfound autonomy, little freak-outs are bound to resurface. Maybe another friend got engaged or the initial fireworks with a new guy faded. “It’s normal for these single-forever worries to crop up, but it’s important to assertively not let them overwhelm you,” says Elson. Find a trick to stop the negative thoughts. “Literally pinch yourself,” suggests Orbuch. “It snaps you out of your head.” Or call up a no-BS friend to tell you you’re being ridiculous. Because getting down on yourself is such a waste of time.

2 sweet thoughts:

Christinehaze is SC's author said...

Hahahahaha, this is so true. I agree with it over 100 percent. Yupp, so just relax and chill and later you surely find the one without looking.

Hey kababayan, may you enjoy your weekend!

Ylan said...

Haze - hehe thanks kabayan! sus makurat man ko nimo permi oi, lahilahi man ni imong login kada comment sa akong blog :)