Sunday, August 3, 2008

to straight or to curl?

Growing up, i always wanted my hair curly. So, during commencement exercises at the end of each school year, i would cry if my mother would not bring me to our beautician neighbor and have my hair permed. I would not attend the ceremony if my hair isn't curled! At one point, my hair got damaged and wouldn't return to its original straightness. During my entire highschool and college days, i just had my hair tied in ponytail because i didn't like it. I trimmed my hair really short after graduation and decided to have it treated. I've resorted to hair relaxation and rebonding. Now, my hair's straight but not the same smooothness as before it was tapped by all those medicines. Last night, i got crazy i wanted my hair to be curly! So i took the curling iron and curl my hair to my heart's content! hehe! :D

0 sweet thoughts: